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8 Twitter Accounts to Learn About Haemostasis

By Hart Biologicals | 27th April 2022

As a company which specialises in haemostasis we have built on years of haemostasis knowledge across our in-house teams. It is important for us to keep up to date with new research and findings within the fied.

This week we provide a roundup of 8 of the best Twitter accounts to learn about haemostasis

1. Hart Biologicals - Twitter Handle: @HartBio 

At Hart Biologicals we’re Coagulation, Reagent and Contract Manufacturing Experts. We’re at the cutting edge of our sector, building on the success of the Manchester Capillary Reagent to become renowned partners in the UK and global INR market. 

We have built on years of haemostasis knowledge, multidisciplinary expertise and practical skill across our in-house teams, to develop reliable cost-effective solutions that do not compromise on quality. We’re proud to be able to complete our full haemostasis catalogue with these vitally important reagents. (8)

2. British Society for Haemostasis & Thrombosis - Twitter Handle: @BritSocHaemThro

The objectives of the British Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis are the advancement of public education and the promotion of all branches of medical science concerned with haemostasis and thrombosis. It is the main Academic Thrombosis & Haemostasis Society in the United Kingdom with over 300 members. (1)

3. Hemostasis and Thrombosis Research Society - Twitter Handle: @HTRSToday 

The Hemostasis and Thrombosis Research Society, Inc. (HTRS) is the leading North American professional society dedicated to research, mentoring, workforce development, and continuing medical education for physicians, investigators, and all health care professionals interested in advancing care for people with hemostatic and thrombotic disorders

Their members are physicians, researchers, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, coagulation laboratory technicians, representatives from industry, and other allied health care professionals involved in caring for pediatric and adult patients with bleeding and/or thrombotic disorders. (2)

4. The International Society on Thrombosis & Haemostasis (ISTH) - Twitter Handle: @isth

The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) advances the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to thrombosis and hemostasis. The Society is dedicated to transformative scientific discoveries and clinical practices, the development of young professionals and the education of physicians, scientists and allied health professionals wherever they may live. (3)

5. The American Society of Hematology - Twitter Handle: @ASH_heamotology 

Fostering high-quality, equitable care, transformative research, and innovative education to improve the lives of patients with blood and bone marrow disorders.

Over the course of a challenging year, ASH continued its meaningful work in advancing the field of hematology, supporting those whose training and research were disrupted by the pandemic, providing tools to help hematologists navigate patient care, and addressing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion across the medical field. (4)

6. Blood Journal -  Twitter Handle: @BloodJournal

Weekly, 52 issues annually, published every Thursday, except for the last week of the year, plus Annual Meeting Abstracts in mid-November; two volumes per year. (5)

7. JTH Journal -  Twitter Handle: @JTHJournal

The Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (JTH) is an official journal of the ISTH and is the leading medical journal in the fields of thrombosis and haemostasis. Through the diffusion and exchange of information and ideas within the international research community, JTH strives to advance science related to the important medical problems of thrombosis, bleeding disorders, and vascular biology. It publishes high quality, original research reports; state-of-the-art reviews; letters and announcements; and invited commentary and debate on timely topics. (6)

8. Research & Practice in Thrombosis & Haemostasis (RPTH Journal) -  Twitter Handle: @RPTHJournal 

Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (RPTH) is the Open Access journal of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), providing a dedicated home for science and discourse among researchers, clinicians, nurses, allied health professionals, and patients. (7)








