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Hart Bio’s phlebotomy team expands

By Hart Bio | 5th October 2020

Hart Biologicals’ Quality Assurance Officer, Kelly Ward, has qualified as a phlebotomist to expand her roles and responsibilities within the team and help in carrying out blood donations.

Kelly is now one of three qualified phlebotomists on site; the team needs two in attendance when taking blood so this means there will always be someone to cover the role, providing more flexibility.

Kelly said: “After shadowing the phlebotomy team throughout my role here, I attended an intense course ran by Phlebotomy Training Services, consisting of a practical at the end of the second day, which I passed.

“To obtain my certificate I then had to complete four essays on infection control, the four main complications associated with phlebotomy, informed consent and the two systems used in venepuncture, and lastly, a self-reflection.

“Qualifying as a phlebotomist has given me a more varied role leading to more job satisfaction.”

She started her role as a QA Officer in June 2018, undertaking duties with Change Controls and Non-Conformances, that are raised within the company and Intermediate Batch release.

Kelly continued: “We have just introduced a new EQMS system and made some changes to the way we raise and deal with CC’s and NCR’s so we meet the new regulations that are coming in.

“It’s been a very busy time for QA.”

Due to the coronavirus situation, blood donations are almost exclusively in-house, as a combination of businesses and schools are not operating during lockdown and restricting access to premises has meant that we have not been able to get donations externally.

The effect of this is a reduction on how much blood is available, massively reduced donor pool size and the same donors giving more frequently.

To get in touch with our team regarding blood donations, please contact us at (01429) 271100, email or through our Facebook page.